Meet the Family!

  • Natilla

    Natilla was a pregnant stray in a Costa Rican parking lot when we first met her. Jackson & I fell in love, rescued her, and ended up bringing Natilla and her five beautiful kittens back to the United States with us. She is now the happiest house cat known to mankind, and is the undisputed head of household. Natilla loves going on cold-weather walks and sunbathing in her terrarium.

  • Gandalf

    Gandalf is a menace to society and also Natilla’s daughter. A trouble maker from the time she could walk, Gandalf is the most curious, clever, and utterly diabolical cat we’ve ever met. When she’s not opening cabinets, touching knives, or attempting to fly, Gandalf enjoys cuddling and having deep conversations.

  • Dave

    Dave (who was named after our Airbnb host in Costa Rica) is orange and not particularly clever. He is, however, a talented vocalist and our house’s reigning drama queen. Dave is also the textbook definition of a mama’s boy, prone to developing intense emotional relationships with seasonal produce, and hopelessly in love with Jackson.

  • Kat Newquist

    Born in New York City and transplanted to Northern Colorado, I am a lifelong animal lover who has fused my passion for pets with my career in the creative and performing arts. Nicknamed a "one-woman production team" by my friends and colleagues, I have extensive experience in all aspects of content creation, from voice acting and cinematography to drone piloting and screenplay writing. I hold a BFA from New York University's Tisch School of the Arts, and when I'm not creating (or playing with my cats), you can find me camping, climbing mountains, or traveling the world.

  • Jackson Foley

    Jackson—in addition to being the world’s best cat dad—is a software engineer with a passion for creativity and innovation. Jackson often holds Dave the cat with one hand while programming cutting-edge technology with the other, and when he isn’t working, you can find him climbing, playing the guitar, teaching Kat chess, or entertaining the cats.